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Homem pica Pau
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on quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010
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Zenni Optical
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Many people have already made the purchase your glasses on and zennioptical satisfied with the outcome, especially for ZenniOptical $6.95 Rx Glasses without losing quality, Check out Zenni's New Site! to know the latest news and m
any options that only has zennioptical.com.
Zenni now has the best tryon: Frame Fit and this is the place for you to buy your glasses.

Zenni now has the best tryon: Frame Fit and this is the place for you to buy your glasses.
Tirando o atraso
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on terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010
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Um baiano chegou em uma farmácia
Certo dia um baiano chegou em uma farmácia e perguntou ao farmacêutico:
- Você tem remédio para picada de cobra?
- Caramba! você foi picado por uma cobra! - disse o farmacêutico preocupado.
E o baiano disse com um ar de extrema preguiça:
- Não, mas ela já vem bem alí...
- Você tem remédio para picada de cobra?
- Caramba! você foi picado por uma cobra! - disse o farmacêutico preocupado.
E o baiano disse com um ar de extrema preguiça:
- Não, mas ela já vem bem alí...
Tomando uma "dura"
Postado por
on domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010
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US casinos
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It can be difficult to find a casino online casinos similar to Las Vegas, every time the player does this, it is very easy to see the benefits of an online casino, but the lure of casinos in Las Vegas. Although the physical environment around them is their home and not the casinos of Las Vegas, the allure, the challenges and rewards are very similar to the casinos of Las Vegas.
Depending on where you live, go to the casinos of Las Vegas can be a very time consuming process and it is expensive. Sometimes, people spend more money on travel expenses than they spend in the casinos of Las Vegas. This is not the best way to maximize your time in the casinos of Las Vegas. Incidentally, when you can access these wonderful financial aspects and the major activities from your computer, makes access to the casinos of Las Vegas much easier and much less expensive, but from now on you do not need anymore, just come to and will http:www.usacasino.org US casinos to place bets.
Depending on where you live, go to the casinos of Las Vegas can be a very time consuming process and it is expensive. Sometimes, people spend more money on travel expenses than they spend in the casinos of Las Vegas. This is not the best way to maximize your time in the casinos of Las Vegas. Incidentally, when you can access these wonderful financial aspects and the major activities from your computer, makes access to the casinos of Las Vegas much easier and much less expensive, but from now on you do not need anymore, just come to and will http:www.usacasino.org US casinos to place bets.
Online Games
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The online casinos offer the player can also whatever physical casinos. In essence, this represents a chance to win great prizes and thus receive a high economic return of the money raised to start the game. Is that casinos are physically located on the Internet, most can complete the package for the players is the best casino. There are many reasons why the casinos and there are many reasons why the casinos benefit of players and organizations. Although the idea of casinos is to offer the player something else, and be able to come back to the same casinos, has many Casinos on line where you can bet your registration and safely, then you also come to http:www.casinosonline.net.
Top casino online
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Have you ever imagined to have at your disposal a list of Top casino sites ? But understand that this is possible thanks to http://www.casinosites.cc that brings you the best and safest online casinos, and since so many players enjoy the casinos different, the fact that casino games are so attuned to the Brazilian market, says. There are hundreds and hundreds of casinos, at least, that are available to online players. Because there are so many companies and institutions, they are always trying to find ways to bring out their casinos, and casinos to sustain more attractive for players. As in the physical world, there is little benefit to go to casinos that are intrinsically equal. Players like variety, and this is something that the Casino games can offer them to stand out from the rest of casinos that can be found on the Internet today, everything you want in this http://www.casinosites.cc.
A braguilha do baiano
Dois baianos conversam no bar:
- Meu rei, dá pra você me dizer se o meu zíper tá aberto?
- Oxente, mas por quê? Você vai querer que eu abra, é?
- Fala logo, rapaz... Tá aberto ou não tá?
- Não... Tá aberto não...
- Ah, então eu vou deixar pra mijar amanhã...
- Meu rei, dá pra você me dizer se o meu zíper tá aberto?
- Oxente, mas por quê? Você vai querer que eu abra, é?
- Fala logo, rapaz... Tá aberto ou não tá?
- Não... Tá aberto não...
- Ah, então eu vou deixar pra mijar amanhã...
Best online casinos
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Sometimes bet on a casino can be uncomfortable for a new player. When you consider betting on a casino, chances are you will not even be aware of the complexity that involves betting on a casino. There are many rules to follow when it comes to betting in a casino and many people are not aware of all these rules. People may think that betting on a casino is very simple and easy to grasp, and though it may be easy to grasp, betting on a casino is anything but simple, whether you consider betting on online casino sites casino that is trying to decipher how to bet in a physical casino.
When you're playing a game of chance in a casino house rules for betting may change to some extent. There are some rules for betting in a casino that are basic, and that will continue no matter where you are practicing your gambling casino. For example, when it comes to poker, the rules for betting in a casino are the same rules at home. The hand begins with a person who marries a bet, whether experienced or beginner and have come to bestonlinecasino.org Best online casinos play for you.
When you're playing a game of chance in a casino house rules for betting may change to some extent. There are some rules for betting in a casino that are basic, and that will continue no matter where you are practicing your gambling casino. For example, when it comes to poker, the rules for betting in a casino are the same rules at home. The hand begins with a person who marries a bet, whether experienced or beginner and have come to bestonlinecasino.org Best online casinos play for you.
Quando saber se um produto é falsificado
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on sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010
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E que sou psicóloga
Um homem entra num restaurante e vê uma mulher muito bonita sozinha numa mesa. Ele se aproxima e pergunta:
- Estou vendo você sozinha nessa mesa. Posso sentar-me e fazer-lhe companhia?
Ao que a mulher responde bem alto:
- Trepar comigo? Você está pensando que eu sou o quê?
O rapaz ficou vermelho que nem um peru e saiu de fininho diante dos olhares gozadores de todos no restaurante.
Alguns minutos depois a mulher se levanta e vai até a mesa dele.
- Me desculpe pela forma como o tratei ainda há pouco! É que sou psicóloga e estou fazendo um trabalho sobre a reação das pessoas diante de situações inusitadas e...
- Mil Reais? - interrompe ele, gritando. - Você está maluca? Nenhuma puta vale isso!
- Estou vendo você sozinha nessa mesa. Posso sentar-me e fazer-lhe companhia?
Ao que a mulher responde bem alto:
- Trepar comigo? Você está pensando que eu sou o quê?
O rapaz ficou vermelho que nem um peru e saiu de fininho diante dos olhares gozadores de todos no restaurante.
Alguns minutos depois a mulher se levanta e vai até a mesa dele.
- Me desculpe pela forma como o tratei ainda há pouco! É que sou psicóloga e estou fazendo um trabalho sobre a reação das pessoas diante de situações inusitadas e...
- Mil Reais? - interrompe ele, gritando. - Você está maluca? Nenhuma puta vale isso!
O que tem de errado na foto
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on quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010
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Duas mulheres num prostíbulo
Duas colegas resolvem conhecer um prostíbulo para mulheres. Quando chegam lá, observam que existe cinco andares. Vão ao primeiro andar e lêem uma placa, que diz:
"Aqui eles têm aquilo curto e fino".
Uma olha para a outra e partem para o segundo andar em busca de algo mais interessante. Lá, encontram outra placa:
"Aqui eles têm aquilo grande e fino".
Entreolham-se novamente e decidem continuar subindo. No terceiro andar, encontram outra placa:
"Aqui estão os que o têm grosso e curto".
Sobem ao quarto andar e a placa diz o seguinte:
"Aqui eles têm aquilo grande, grosso e suculento".
As duas se olham com aquela cara típica de curiosidade feminina e, depois de pensar um pouquinho, decidem verificar o que poderiam encontrar no quinto andar. Lá a placa diz:
"Este andar foi criado para provar que as mulheres nunca estão contentes com nada".
"Aqui eles têm aquilo curto e fino".
Uma olha para a outra e partem para o segundo andar em busca de algo mais interessante. Lá, encontram outra placa:
"Aqui eles têm aquilo grande e fino".
Entreolham-se novamente e decidem continuar subindo. No terceiro andar, encontram outra placa:
"Aqui estão os que o têm grosso e curto".
Sobem ao quarto andar e a placa diz o seguinte:
"Aqui eles têm aquilo grande, grosso e suculento".
As duas se olham com aquela cara típica de curiosidade feminina e, depois de pensar um pouquinho, decidem verificar o que poderiam encontrar no quinto andar. Lá a placa diz:
"Este andar foi criado para provar que as mulheres nunca estão contentes com nada".
Homework help
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Most students think That Actually the math is the hardest subject That They Have. So, there are many students follow the course only to Solve Their Math problem. Actually it's right choice for Them. However, Actually it's common problem with Them That still've Had a Math tutor although They Already Have the course in the course class.
There's Website That Can help you to learn math, www.tutornext.com. On the website there are many facilities That You Can use with ease. tutornext always offer the best for you. Among others there are facilities Solve math problems, Algebra, and Algebra 2 help. If you've never tried, it is good now you try to www.tutornext.com, because it's proven and reliable. Remember, do not be afraid to pay, cause this Opportunity Also determine your future. Once you get the science, then all the things you want 100% Can Be Realized.
Additionally there are other facilities, Can you see it in the Math problems, Equivalent Fractions, and Free online math tutor . Woow so complete it? With These facilities, I believe That you'll master the math in a short time. tutornext.com Also Offers the best for you. So do not delay any longer time, the sooner the better. Visit www.tutornext.com now, and you Will get the knowledge, education and knowledge are very useful, all the help you need with Probability calculator you will have in tutornext.com.
Not only That, Algebra tutornext very comfortable, effective and affordable. Can Be done through lessons online media such as chat, instant message or email. They Also Provides a visual whiteboard That Allows students to directly interact with the study. for more complete info, see Can you directly here, the best people for who need help with Homework help are tutornext.com.
There's Website That Can help you to learn math, www.tutornext.com. On the website there are many facilities That You Can use with ease. tutornext always offer the best for you. Among others there are facilities Solve math problems, Algebra, and Algebra 2 help. If you've never tried, it is good now you try to www.tutornext.com, because it's proven and reliable. Remember, do not be afraid to pay, cause this Opportunity Also determine your future. Once you get the science, then all the things you want 100% Can Be Realized.
Additionally there are other facilities, Can you see it in the Math problems, Equivalent Fractions, and Free online math tutor . Woow so complete it? With These facilities, I believe That you'll master the math in a short time. tutornext.com Also Offers the best for you. So do not delay any longer time, the sooner the better. Visit www.tutornext.com now, and you Will get the knowledge, education and knowledge are very useful, all the help you need with Probability calculator you will have in tutornext.com.
Not only That, Algebra tutornext very comfortable, effective and affordable. Can Be done through lessons online media such as chat, instant message or email. They Also Provides a visual whiteboard That Allows students to directly interact with the study. for more complete info, see Can you directly here, the best people for who need help with Homework help are tutornext.com.
Eles conhecem as cadelas
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on segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010
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Trânsito Engarrafado
O bebum tava totalmente travado, quando viu um grupo de pessoas amontoado na esquina, em volta de cara que tinha sofrido um acidente no trânsito. Ele vai cambaleando até lá e pergunta:
- Nossa, mas, (hic) o que aconteceu? Por que esse cara tá caído aí (hic) no chão?
- Ahh, foi uma batida.
- Uma batida, né? Tá vendo (hic) só? É por isso que eu só tomo da pura!
- Nossa, mas, (hic) o que aconteceu? Por que esse cara tá caído aí (hic) no chão?
- Ahh, foi uma batida.
- Uma batida, né? Tá vendo (hic) só? É por isso que eu só tomo da pura!
Exatamente o contrário
Dois bêbados batem um papo muito animado. Um deles que está lendo o jornal, diz ao companheiro:
- Luiz! Você viu que coisa mais interessante?
- O que é?
- Eu estou lendo aqui no jornal que um camelo pode trabalhar oito dias seguidos sem beber.
O amigo, então, responde:
- É curioso, eu sou exatamente o contrário!
- Como assim?
- Eu posso beber oito dias seguidos sem trabalhar.
- Luiz! Você viu que coisa mais interessante?
- O que é?
- Eu estou lendo aqui no jornal que um camelo pode trabalhar oito dias seguidos sem beber.
O amigo, então, responde:
- É curioso, eu sou exatamente o contrário!
- Como assim?
- Eu posso beber oito dias seguidos sem trabalhar.
Online slots
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A bonus of casino is just like playing time of practice, where the site offers the player money to play with. Sometimes the bonus can vary, but this is one of the most typical cases. Allows the player time to practice and sharpen their skills before attempting to play casino games online with real money. This hand of practice does not cost any money and helps practice the game prior, especially the player you've never played this particular game previously. This has great benefits both for the institution of gambling, as for the person who is trying to play Online slots , will be among the safest online slot machines that have the http://slotsonline.org.
Internet gambling
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Additionally, a virtual casino is more likely to offer a bonus that would allow people to play virtual casino without having to shell out money for a short period of time. The person would receive money from the casino to play the virtual casino games virtual, and thus learn more about the games. After that the players hone their skills in using the virtual casino bonus, in theory will be more successful when they use their own money into the virtual casino. Bonuses also have the ability to make players experience new and different casino games offered by the virtual, that maybe had not considered, if not the virtual casino bonus. A final benefit is that players can access different sites of virtual casinos, at any time of day, any day of the year. You can visit sites of virtual casinos when they want, including as an impulse product, to have Internet gambling does not need to go to other places, come straight to http://www.gamblingonline.net.
Mãe cuidadosa
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on quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010
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Mulher sabe pedir ajuda
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on quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010
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Secando o pandeiro
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on terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010
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Gulosa Demais hein
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on segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010
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Calvin klein bras
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You can always be sure you're dressed to impress when you don one of her favorite bras Calvin Klein, each of bras from Calvin Klein is one of their coveted collections of lingerie that is perfect for different body types and lifestyles different, each style of calvin klein bras has something to offer every woman. If rents suits your fancy, you'll love the fit perfectly with lace details along the wings and smooth molded cups for a sleek look under clothing, all this and much more only herroom.com has to offer .
There are certain times of the month in which you may want a little extra support while you sleep or you can be the kind of woman who is not always necessary to use a wire, For those occasions, bras from Calvin Klein are a great option, especially fit perfectly, and you will come to herroom.com a large collection at his disposal.
In hisroom.com bring you top drawer of clothes one of the largest internet male underwear and swimwear shopping sites with a huge selection of sexy men's underwear line, you also come to hisroom.com and has a huge variety of fruit of the loom at its disposal, whether woman or man you know that here is the right place for you.
There are certain times of the month in which you may want a little extra support while you sleep or you can be the kind of woman who is not always necessary to use a wire, For those occasions, bras from Calvin Klein are a great option, especially fit perfectly, and you will come to herroom.com a large collection at his disposal.
In hisroom.com bring you top drawer of clothes one of the largest internet male underwear and swimwear shopping sites with a huge selection of sexy men's underwear line, you also come to hisroom.com and has a huge variety of fruit of the loom at its disposal, whether woman or man you know that here is the right place for you.
Ensinando o que a mamãe sabe de melhor
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on domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010
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Ta vendo alguma coisa vozinha??
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on sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010
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Caranguejo do Zeca Pagodinho
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on quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010
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Bebida de todos os lados
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on segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010
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Air Force 1
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Michael Jordan, the man may have left the game, but his legacy will always live in record time, with books and shoes. The phenomenon of the shoe made the dynasty of style since the first edition in 1985, Michael Jordan will forever nickname "Air Jordan" preserved on leather and lace as worn by many generations, what follows is a brief history stories the development of Air Jordan sneakers, and this is the time you have your air force ones .
Design a new pair of Nike Air Jordan has been introduced every year since they were first introduced in 1985, Over the years Nike has created new and innovative designs to improve performance factors such as the breathable mesh, lining half of neoprene, coupling and stabilization success of Jordan as a player created enduring demand for its shoes, During his illustrious career, Jordan won everything, and as he Michael Jordan Shoes are the most successful among consumers, because you are sure they are purchasing a quality product, and have great prices as well as quality and a wide variety to choose from right now to come cankicks.com, this is your chance to have their air force 1 , shoes are the best in cankicks.com.
Design a new pair of Nike Air Jordan has been introduced every year since they were first introduced in 1985, Over the years Nike has created new and innovative designs to improve performance factors such as the breathable mesh, lining half of neoprene, coupling and stabilization success of Jordan as a player created enduring demand for its shoes, During his illustrious career, Jordan won everything, and as he Michael Jordan Shoes are the most successful among consumers, because you are sure they are purchasing a quality product, and have great prices as well as quality and a wide variety to choose from right now to come cankicks.com, this is your chance to have their air force 1 , shoes are the best in cankicks.com.
Ache uma vaquinha na foto
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on sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010
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